Saturday 27 November 2010

Secrets To MLM Lead Generation

MLM or Network Marketing can be a very tricky business and without the right tools and leads, your not going anywhere. MLM is without a doubt, a very hard business. The truth is that every business is difficult and if you want to make it work, you have to work really hard. There is no way around hard work and there never will be. This article is about MLM lead generation and how generating your own MLM leads is going to help you and your business immensely.

There are quite a lot of methods you can use to generate MLM leads, but only a few of them really work. These few methods will be uncovered in the following few paragraphs. If you really want to excel in your MLM business, generate one hundred plus leads a day and become a top earner. You are going to want to learn the following secrets. Before I go right into the MLM lead generation secrets. I want to talk about a few general MLM secrets that I have used to become a top recruiter of my company.

There are just so many different secrets out there and you need to understand them in order to become a leader in your MLM company. The first and the biggest secret to a successful MLM business is to be unique. Split yourself from the heard and people are more likely to join you instead of one of your associates. What I mean is, do not go around promoting your MLM company, promote yourself! Im sure if you have been in the industry long enough you have seen a lot of ads promoting MLM companies. I'm also sure that you have been pitched like one hundred times and asked to join someones downline. This type of marketing does not work! All these people who are promoting their companies, they are probably not making more than ten dollars a week! Its true, nobody wants to hear about a MLM company. People do not like to be sold to and this goes back to basic human psychology. The majority of the MLM industry are promoting their MLM companies. They go around telling people they have the best products, an amazing hybrid comp plan and that you should join their downline. MLM is a people business, people work with people and not companies!

Try sell yourself instead of your company, its something to think about. The big earners never promote their companies, they brand themselves and people follow them. There are three types of people in the MLM game, followers, pre alphas and alphas. The followers are the people who follow the alphas and the alphas are leaders. Most people are followers and they are the people who earn very little money and follow the leaders. The pre alphas are the people who are in a leaders mindset and moving towards being a leader. The leaders are the ones who brand themselves. When you brand yourself you attract people to you. Most people promote a replicated website just like everyone else. So, if you want to stand out from the crowd, brand yourself and not your company. That is one of the biggest MLM secrets in history.

The next MLM secret I want to talk about is marketing on the Internet. You can become a top earner of your MLM company by marketing offline but, its just not practical. If you really want to excel, you need to learn about the Internet and how you can use it to generate an endless flood of leads for your business. You need to setup a sales funnel that you can feed with targeted traffic. This is how you are going to become a top earner. There are a few things involved in online marketing. Firstly there is traffic, then there are leads and then there are customers. Generating traffic is not that hard if you know what your doing. There are hundreds of ways of generating an endless flow of traffic to wherever you like. It can be hard to pick a method to work on. As there are so many ways of generating traffic, you need to research them and choose one or two you are going to master. You need to send your traffic to your capture pages. These are pages that offer something for free in return for someone's name, email address and sometimes phone number. I cannot tell you all about creating capture pages and converting traffic into leads. You are going to have to do some research and hard work. Once you have mastered a way of generating traffic and converting traffic into leads, you need to convert those leads into paying distributors.

You need a way of converting leads into new reps for your MLM business. If you are already generating leads and converting some of them into your company listen up. This secret is going to quadruple your conversions and allow you to sponsor hundreds of people into your MLM business. The secret is calling your leads! Hardly anyone in the industry actually picks up the phone and calls their leads! This little trick will triple if not quadruple your recruiting efforts. Instead of sending an email like the rest of the MLM industry you need to pick up the phone and ring your leads. When you pick up your phone up and call a lead, you come to life! People are always excited to hear from you. Most leads you call have probably been pitched by ten other people and have fifty plus emails telling them about an MLM company. When you call someone, you turn from some random person on their computer screen to a real live talking person. All you have to do is start a general conversation about business and ask them how you can help them. You don't want to offer people a company, you want to offer them a solution to their problems which is generally a way to make money. This secret is very powerful. All you have to do is phone your leads, ask them how you can help them and offer a solution to their problem. That is the fastest way to sponsor people into your company.

Learn the exact mlm secrets you can use to dominate the mlm industry in Jamies free mlm training. If you want to learn how to generate fifty leads a day with my lead system pro, checkout this my lead system pro review today!